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Pumpkin Patch & Kingdom Thoughts

so we learned our lesson from last year, & so we set out MUCH earlier to Sauvie Island this year. Beth (younger sister) & I picked up Gen (cousin) on our way, we left at 10:30 & we took a different way this time instead of like last year (last year we hit 4 hour traffic, and never ended up going to the pumpkin patch). 

I was reading 1 Samuel 9-11. (working on story of Abigail actually, but didn't have time to take in-depth notes bc work/school every morning so I was supplementing w/brief bursts of reading about king Saul) & what really struck out to me was 9:19-21. first, how often do we secretly wish God would answer us like that in verse 19-21?! I know I sure did with Aviation!! but guess what, He actually really did this Summer!! God has answered my prayers tremendously & doors are opening so easily without me doing anything it's almost spooky! Holy Spirit style anyway. I love that part bc Saul only wanted directions to Samuel's house, but not only is he already talking to the prophet (which alone would make me say "wow God thanks for the answered prayer you led me right to them!") but Saul is invited to a prestigious dinner, gets a spot of honor, gets to know all the answers to worries on his heart, and to top it all off, Samuel wraps it up by saying: "oh & hey, your donkeys are fine too, they're just living life man don't worry about them." 

and how does Saul (us) answer to all this? "Oh but I'm from a small middle class family. I'm unimportant, you've got the wrong person" which is exactly what I've been saying to Gods calling over my life, I tell God: "I'm not the best person for this, I have no funds & faith is pretty low too I'll be hey Big Guy maybe you should find another person. someone with parents that can fully support, or actually have a plane at their disposal... " but look here, God has opened doors for me anyway. Thank you Jesus.

so back to Saul, this guy got more than he bargained for for sure! maybe he was still overwhelmed & processing it all in 10:16, because he doesn't tell his father anything. this also reminded me of me, the biggest things I keep to myself & process. Saul could have told his father right away, but maybe it would have been a sour reaction, his father may have laughed or gotten upset or maybe Saul just really didn't want to be king & hoped the whole thing'd go away! 

which is kinda where we find him later, 10:22. I think if you have social anxiety, or anyone really can relate to this. God calls us to something.  R E A L L Y     H U G E  answering our prayers of "please use me"....but then when He does we're scared & hiding in the storage closet!!! I feel for Saul, what he had just been through the last couple days was pretty insane. did he ever ask to be king? of that I'm not sure! He was the Tall-est, Dark-est, Handsome-est ... (verses 9:2) 

But. It's so odd, because you think when Samuel was calling Saul out Saul'd leap out huge grin on his face arms spread wide all "king me! crown me now and robe me up man!!! so ready!!" ok maybe not that much since God most likely chose Saul because he had some humility in him, but cmon king over all 12 tribes? and this guy wasn't the least bit excited?? another verse I found interesting is 10:27. specifically at the end. notice how it says "Saul kept silent" again, just like he did before with his dad. was he non-confrontational? idk, he seems to be a pretty good war lord later! was he nervous, scared, insecure? maybe. it's hard to know because wasn't this guy super cocky later in life? but I suppose he was a very different person in the beginning of his kingship. 

Now back to the 'Patch, we had absolutely no traffic and beautiful weather. The 5 of us (we met my other 2 cousins Angie and Rachel too) playing among the pumpkins (mainly just tripped) took pictures, bought apple cider and caramel apples, and were going to go in the maze but didn't want to pay the $5 or whatever. Student life man. (actually, it was just crowded with the Asian club from a nearby school and lots of tots so we didn't feel like fighting crowds).

We stopped by to see some views on the way home and ended the day with Mulan. Pretty decent Saturday, felt good to take the day off work and be with my family and best friends. Also, Fall in Oregon is pretty close to perfection!

Fiery Five

Fiery Five

we tried to take cute pics

 we tried to take cute pictures but kept slipping on pumpkins and pulling each other's hair 

 we also tried to shop for fresh vegetables like savvy soccer moms but we mainly picked the pumpkins based on their cool colours 

we look like happy dinosaurs

 happy dinosaurs

Because I wouldn't leave you hanging without showing some visuals, here's the video! (coming sometime in Nov, hang in there!) 

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