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100% On My Exam! (practice..🤪)

So more happpend at work! I had already posted my other update, but I had to make another!

So, I decided to do a seperate post on this. Option number 2 for flight training, the guy who wants to let me use his plane! Lookit what my CFI texted me about him:

So the blue bubble is me (obviously) and the grey is my CFI telling me what all went down when he called the plane owner of the C-172. They KNOW each other and go to church together and everything!! I was so surprised when I read his text, yet another display of how God perfectly orchestras things better than I ever could!

We also did have some trouble with the Jet truck (Mr Petri) yesterday. The PTO knob was snapped, the cable. This is the knob you pull in the truck to engage the pump that helps you pump fuel into the jets! Micheal and Martin fixed it though! 

I also finished that Jeppesen exam I was talking about! I worked some on my essay, it’s about 85% done now, and I switched over to Jeppesen and I decided to do the test today since Friday’s I stay on my laptop at the front desk and I get interrupted more. Today I was in the back office most of the day. I got 100% on the exam!

BEFORE church:

AFTER church (yea my water bottle goes everywhere with me):

I also did make it to church, but not choir 😕 but it’s alright, I did try but I got off work 10 mins late (so at 5:40 ish) and every min counts when choir practice starts at 6!

Once I got home, I was really hungry bc I hadn’t eaten my lunch at work bc I wasn’t hungry then & I was too focused on finishing my essay and all my Jeppesen stuff. But youth service was great, and I didn’t feel very tired today either so that’s a fort in awhile! (our youth ends later, so generally I’m dead by the end of every Wednesday, bc a full day of work + choir + youth service). 

It was a good day. It really was 😄

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